PARIS - On Monday 9 December 2024, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Centre and the African Union Commission will hold their joint annual International Economic Forum on Africa. The event will discuss how better education and training can increase Africa’s productivity and create more opportunities for quality jobs.

OECD Secretary-General Mathias Cormann will open the Forum with the Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals of the African Union Commission, Albert Muchanga. The event will take place in person and online, with English-French interpretation.

On Tuesday 10 December at 14:00 CET, the OECD, the African Union Commission and the African Tax Administration Forum will launch Revenue Statistics in Africa 2024. The report presents internationally comparable statistics on tax and non-tax revenues for 36 African countries that help track progress on domestic resource mobilisation and inform tax policy analysis and reforms.

These events will take place in the framework of the 9th High-level Meeting of the OECD Development Centre's Governing Board, under the heading “Financing the Future: Strategies for a Just, Green Transition”.




