THE HAGUE - Eurojust President Mr Ladislav Hamran today discussed the importance of criminal justice cooperation with the Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, HE Mr Denis Bećirović. The ongoing involvement of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the Western Balkan Criminal Justice Project (WBCJ) was acknowledged, as well as the efforts to step up the fight against organised crime.

During his visit to the Agency, Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, HE Mr Denis Bećirović, said: ’Today, I was delighted to visit Eurojust and to meet with President Ladislav Hamran, to whom I extended my gratitude for the warm welcome. It was an opportunity to once again underline Bosnia and Herzegovina's strong commitment to further strengthening our cooperation with Eurojust.’

The Chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Eurojust President highlighted the importance of cross-border collaboration to ensure the prosecution of complex crimes. Over the past years, judicial cooperation between authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Eurojust has steadily increased. Through ongoing projects and upcoming outreach events in the country, it is expected that the cooperation will continue to intensify.

The Chairman of the Presidency’s visit acknowledged the importance of the ongoing conclusion of an international agreement with Bosnia and Herzegovina to strengthen cooperation. The agreement will enable the country to post a Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust and access the Agency’s operational tools.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has been involved in the WBCJ since the project’s start in September 2022. WBCJ provides Western Balkan partners with technical support to strengthen operational cooperation among them and with the European Union. So far, WBCJ has supported authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina with four cross-border cases related to drug trafficking and corruption.

Eurojust President Mr Ladislav Hamran stated: ‘Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is a critical partner in the Western Balkans region and today’s meeting reaffirms our commitment to ever closer cooperation. We agreed that the forthcoming international agreement on cooperation which will allow for a BiH Liaison Prosecutor at Eurojust will serve the best interests of both our sides and will strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina’s further integration in the EU’s security chain.’

As a facilitator of cross-border judicial cooperation, Eurojust is pivotal in promoting effective working relationships between national authorities of Member States and non-EU countries. Relying on its unique expertise, partnerships and modern digital tools, Eurojust ensures that national borders are no obstacle to prosecuting crime and serving justice.




